jueves, 26 de junio de 2014

Management excellence

Management excellence
The excellence of the management of a company leads the way to remain in the market, regardless of their economic capital or investment in brand advertising. Today, it is essential to know the extent of good management and focus on continually improving it. However, this optimization exercise is impossible without following the basic steps to be followed, including: 

Listen and watch is a must to get the corporate plan will not break or lose the initial value strategy. Not the same pose a unilateral strategy based tasks, where employees are answerable only to the provisions preset instead of working together. Meet the personal boundaries of each piece allows adapting the procedures according to the skills and knowledge of each worker. 

Links to other articles
The value of employees 
- The curve of happiness
- The curve of happiness 
- Six steps to success 
- Motivation 
- Identify your resources and triumph 

Interact with available resources and with customers is an effective way to strengthen the product, adjusted on demand. From the real need of those who will ultimately be in potential customers, they get at least a guarantee today. Create a proposal from a distance, without contact with those who will consume is risking too much, because you can never know the preferences of consumers without having had direct contact with them. However, when an entrepreneur approaches the stage to capture potential consumers must interact with them and his vision of the possibilities increase exponentially. The small details are what make the final proposal, and must come directly from prospective buyers.

The evolution of the proposal must be analyzed in light of the results and product acceptance in the market, so that corrections can also respond to a real need and not just a personal quirk of promoter activity. Often analyzes are inadequate because they come from a particular view, where only the consumer response is measured and internal errors that originate at the base of the production is not correct. It is very important to be self-critical, how to get to the source of the problem and correct it without trauma and without blame, but with the vision of improving the proposal and increase market opportunities. 

Measuring the performance of a project is critical. In proposing an activity is part of the basic expectations of an initial target that is not always possible to achieve. Therefore, to what extent it has been achieved or how much you have missed to reach a minimum return is essential. That knowledge in the field gives the possibility to estimate the final cost, the cost-benefit measure and determine if it is worth keeping alive the initiative or is it better to change direction and seek new proposals. Not bad abandon an unprofitable plan and find another, from the experience and market knowledge and management skills that have been acquired with the first attempt. Nothing ever falls flat, but the accumulation of experiences should increase the ability to analyze and get more travel in the market itself.

You have to create proposals that respond to consumer demand, not a product that attempts to change existing habits, because although this is feasible, the path is much longer and more dangerous, since the rejection of the first proposal may close doors to new shares in the future.

image: @morguefile

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