domingo, 22 de junio de 2014

Unlimited Innovation

Unlimited Innovation
Often own relentless pursuit of exceptional thought unfit to find. When the obsession with providing a great product to market is imperative, it is better to drop out the quest and start again, because the odds of failure grow exponentially. There is no innovation without limit.

Before focusing on the central argument must take into account the difference between having an idea and innovate, because the second is the realization of the first, the idea is to convert a value capable of acting on the market. Set small goals based on the elements of daily life may be the best way to start.

In one of the trips by train from the city to the suburbs, I checked amazed greatness of simplicity to innovate. Driven by the crisis, many people have gone from begging to live well, this is nothing new. Each passing day increases the number of people begging on public transport. Some ask for compassion, others turn to the willingness of passengers to their physical, their musical knowledge or endless resources not differ in the approach or content.

Links to other articles
- Six steps to success
- The power of participatory management  
- Motivation
- Emotional abuse of failure 
- Identify your resources and triumph 
- Good Manager

Recently, to my surprise, took the train where I was a woman, dressed in her best sartorial appeal, and began to talk about her problem: apparently a house that had snatched the bank for its inability to cope with mortgage commitments, had been working as a teacher in a public institution that left unemployed rushing brutal cuts, had a sick husband stripped of basic medical services because they could not pay for drugs, etc. Their storyline took her to proclaim aloud her fervent wish that others never were suffering the same social attacks that she suffered from the bank, cuts or diseases. When she finished her speech, 90% of passengers rummaged in their purses and placed in her hands all the coins they could. That was the biggest success I had seen in the business of begging. But it does not end there, every time I passed with this woman; see how maintaining the same level of acceptance by passengers. 

Then, analyzing the reason of her success, I concluded that she had innovated begging, working a message so well prepared that included fear of people end up like her, the anger accumulated mostly to banks, who they had been rescued by governments before the public, the extraordinary number of people with mortgage commitments at risk, and all passengers unemployed or likely to be in that situation. This showed me the value of a good set profile message to potential customers. Such was the significance of this new way of begging a few months later, most of those who asked on the train had coined the same strategy and had used the same format, the same message.
image: @morguefile

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