lunes, 30 de junio de 2014

Empresario a empleado

Empresario a empleado
Hoy día asistimos a un cambio radical del mercado laboral, donde muchos profesionales y empresarios se han visto obligados a buscarse la vida fuera del ámbito de competencia donde estaban acostumbrados a desempeñarse. Esta crisis global ha creado un escenario laboral desequilibrado e imprevisible, donde algunas piezas no están colocadas donde debieran ni los profesionales ocupan el lugar que les corresponde. Pero, de todo ese mapa de cambio irracional, en el cual la necesidad se ha impuesto a la capacidad, sobresale la transformación que han asumido muchas personas para convertirse de empresario a empleado, porque es la única forma de alcanzar los ingresos económicos que necesitan.

Listen and Learn

Listen and Learn
Undoubtedly, the rush to get everywhere, commercial obligations, personal commitments and the need for dividends, have led us to run and lose sight of the little things, not to observe constructive approach. We have failed to see and analyze, listen and learn from what is happening around us.

This reality is not alien to any area of ​​life or business or the people, but the need to get dividends has led employers to forget the essential purpose of the task by interacting with the market: offer services starting of customer preferences.

View and analyze should be the basis of any trade action. This is not expected behavior of customers to provide a product but observe creative sense, see how they react to what we put in their hands and from this data, complete the physiognomy of what we offer the next time we have contact with them.

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Measuring the impact 

Lack of confidence
On solid ground
The value of employees 
- The curve of happiness
- The curve of happiness  

This deficiency is also recurrent in personal life. Many times we rush to make comments, judgments, no warnings have stopped long enough to observe and analyze what is happening or why it has reached the stage where we are. There is a pressing need to say that we are not able to assess the weight of our opinion.

On the other hand, if the meticulous details of the actions of others should apply to the exercise of professional tasks, the results of actions, many times, would be infinitely better. We use very effective procedures in private life, which are not captured in professional behavior, exercise reasonable demands that are not transferred to the workplace, or ask considerations that are overlooked in the performance of tasks.

A minute of silence when someone talks about their preferences would be enough to understand the customer. To this minute well spent would run over to the prospective buyer with a static product, into believing that is all he will find in the market. The virtue of listening is the way that leads to the perfect learning, because it gives the possibility of receiving the application directly from the individual. Naturally, clients always express their needs in words. Therefore, a good businessman should listen to the people with whom he interacts, even those who are in complete disagreement with the proposal, because of all this will bring a fruitful final conclusion, modify its approach effectively and understand the need market starting from the same market.

An example, a telemarketer who takes 200 calls a day to potential customers, is based solely on the sales pitch that provides the company with firm but static messages. Did he'll sell or not sell the product? Probably yes. However, if he also read the sales pitch every time someone is on the other side of the phone, is able to hear what he has, he can build a more consistent behavior of potential customers more realistic message, and during the process the chances of sales will grow exponentially, and every time someone picks up the phone, the telemarketer will tell the proposal using a common language to all this mass of potential customers. However, the product and the conditions have not changed, only the message, the result of having heard and learned the need of the target audience. 

Listen and learn is a virtue that few consider, but it is the foundation of a healthy and productive relationship, opens the door to the success of any proposal.
image: @morguefile

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domingo, 29 de junio de 2014

¿Dónde me he metido?

¿Dónde me he metido?
En cualquier emprendimiento, tener los instrumentos apropiados para ejecutar las acciones permite evaluar las posibilidades reales de alcanzar el propósito. Lo idóneo es trabajar en un escenario donde sólo falta la aportación personal. Los conocimientos y la experiencia son al final la llave para abrir o cerrar las puertas hacia el objetivo, pero de nada vale esa aportación sin las herramientas estructurales para operar. Sin embargo, no todas las empresas lo entienden así, y en muchos lugares no queda otra salida que preguntarse: ¿dónde me he metido? 

Measuring the impact

Measuring the impact
Today, measuring the impact of a product or a proposal, when having contact with the market, is the best strategy to act guarantees, because it defines the way forward and the necessary management changes along its travel. Therefore, the virtue of a business is knowing quantify achievements, identify the margin between effort and outcome. Today succeeds who crosses the bridge market problems.

In that search data is to be measured:

How the proposal is accepted by the consumer. This first step can ensure stability, because knowing the degree of acceptance and prevent fever is only one day, give the employer the exact measure of what to invest and know which strategies should be without. Sometimes fever lasting principle presents a deceptive appearance, and over time the product loses drive and when you want to rectify it is too late.

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Lack of confidence
On solid ground
The value of employees 
- The curve of happiness
- The curve of happiness  
- Motivation 

Learn which aspect of the product has more value to the consumer helps to understand it. This analysis comes in the composition of the product, because not always what the customer values ​​most is the price, but aspects such as quality, durability, warranty consumption, weight, design, which ultimately enhance the price itself. That is to say, often a consumer believes that if he pays less are opting for lower quality, or if an item costs more is a guarantee for quality, however, this value does not always respond to the reality of the product nor is applicable to all consumers.

Identify those most consumed and observe the behavior gives great advantage to rectify. Often we associate massive selling a product to the momentum of consumption of a user group that ultimately do not represent the more interested the more mass or constant. So you have to know exactly where the strength of the product is when you put it in the hands of buyers.

On the other side is vital measure time and space. Learn enter the market is a priceless virtue, as the trend of consumption is very much alive at the beginning, when just produce demand, but then drops irrationally, so that products are not firm and lose ground eventually disappear. However, if the customer interaction is good, the guarantee of success is much greater, because the consumer will continue to pursue that product that fills their demands rather than by new proposals. People rarely choose to continually change preferences.

Measuring impact is critical to running a business, and we are not referring to the star product is a claim for a day, but is able to survive the market dynamics that generates a reliable mass of consumers in the future interpose buying any other challenge presented to them by the new proposals. Create a product that is consolidated in the market is getting an asset may impact, smoothly, and alien to the overwhelming anxiety to be momentary. At the end of the day, as we have repeated hundreds of times in the business world there are no perfect products, but those who are able to adapt to changes and challenges.

image: @morguefile

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sábado, 28 de junio de 2014

Lack of confidence

Lack of confidence
Today's society is one of the worst in terms of confidence, which originates in the personal, and travels on the business until ending in a lack of confidence in the political and social spheres. Unfortunately, this reality has a huge impact on business, where every day the difficulty for securing a product grows or for earning credits towards a brand. 

As mentioned earlier, mistrust begins on a personal level. Individuals in a face to face relationship with their neighbors have lost the warmth and have embarked in a career for discovering, blindly, the faults of others instead of identifying their own values. That is, the struggle to defend oneself it’s what has led to, rather than diminish it, grows distrust within every new relationship one tries to start on a personal level.

Links to other articles
On solid ground
The value of employees 
- The curve of happiness
- The curve of happiness 
- Six steps to success 
- Motivation 

On the other hand, poses in the balance, the distrust of the commercial sector, where companies have lost market share due to the difficulty of introducing new proposals or keeping current products because of the suspicion of consumers about their properties or warranties. However, in some cases, poor practices of some employers have collaborated in a special way to draw this scene of folly. In the latter case we can mention the banks, which have lost the credibility of yore, the identity that made them strong in the market. Naturally, we also have to note the absence of reverse trust, where the companies are those who are distrustful, in this case, of their consumers. At this point, reemerges the figure of banks, which instead of establishing an accessible policy, have preferred to keep the capital and show an appalling lack of interest in the reality of their customers. So the prevention for recover capital has led them to withdraw themselves into an indecipherable procedure that has led to the disappearance of thousands of small businesses.

Today people do not trust companies who talk a lot and do not meet anything or who use their market power to commit injustices that consumers cannot prevent. 

However, where the nerve has consumed all traces of confidence is in the political area. The people who represent us, in many cases, have lost their way, led by the temptation of power, blinded by the possibility of everything and believing that no one will ever discover anything or at least nobody will say anything. This deteriorating political image has been transferred to the personal, as we said, where many citizens believe they are entitled to join the small social crime by the simple fact that the rulers roam freely.

For all this, it is crucial to regain confidence. If people realize that trust does not mean surrender their body and soul to anyone, but to compromise for the relationship to flow and can be discovered in the future a scenario of healthy and prosperous coexistence, we will have returned to the right path. Likewise, if consumers understand that not all companies are intended to harm their customers, and most initiatives are honest people who try to survive in the market, they will understand that eating is not risking being cheated. On the other hand, if companies such as banks understand that nobody evades its responsibilities but that they favored that people took more than they could handle, they’d know that those calling them now aren’t doing it for refusing the obligations later.

Finally, and here it is more than ever disbelief, if politicians understand that they are where they are because people have put them there, they’d understand that their personal commitment is not worth anything, because due to their voters. But, as I said before, the latter is a difficult change, but not impossible, and also in a very long term.

image: @morguefile

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