martes, 17 de junio de 2014

The weight of the word

The weight of the word
Some time ago I wrote this generic phrase, attached to a mention, in a social network: "What reason is there to humiliate the other?" To my surprise, I received several messages from people who gave themselves as alluded by my publication. This situation made me realize the weight of words, especially those revealed to a group of people. Many times we feel entitled to verbalize the feeling at the time, but if we do not consider where, to whom and why, it can be very harmful and probably will not get the objective.

"You're useless," shouted a father seeing his son not gripping the ball when he had everything in favor to score a goal. "You are not good for nothing." At that time, in the heat of the game, the cry was not of a greater importance, it was just one in the widespread uproar.

Links to other articles
- Identify your resources and triumph
- The tyranny of customers   
- Good Manager
- We act in droves
- Alibis dismissal 
- Employee to entrepreneur

However, viewed from distance with some criteria, we can see the consequences of those words repeated insistently. Nothing falls in the space, a cry issued in that language of sports, with the intention only to correct mistakes derived from gaming, can determine what the person will be all his life.

Just analyze the depth of the sentence “You don’t serve for this”. A typical expression when the elders define the qualities of children. But those words spoken bluntly, after the years acquire an extraordinary value. It’s not blaming the parents; it would be a quick exit to explain why some have so much difficulty expressing their ideas or imposing their views. We only appreciate the consequences of such pronouncements.

A young man with enormous talent to devise new projects once explained to me why he had taken so long to start up your own business. "Every time I did it my father told me I was not born for this," he said. With the passing of the years, continually subjected to such an assessment, he had been led to believe that false ineptitude. "It took me years to understand that it was not true. I was not born just to scrub floors, as I had always been told", he said without any remorse. That is the result of a verbal impairment that hinders the ability to act and when to implement something you appeal to the wrong idea, you enter a state of uncertainty about your abilities and personal potential. However, once you overcome that misperception you can advance quickly. The person returns to find himself, with his potential. It is as hard as necessary to overcome it. It is of no use taking an unsuited ineptitude imposed by the environment.

In the field of entrepreneurship is important freeing from psychologically bondages, because it helps to deal with setbacks, provided with the best tools such as trust, security deeds, etc.

Another factor to consider when carrying out an activity is not positioning with sentimental hangings. The ideal to defend an initiative framework is one where you can work without pressure, prejudice and distrust. It is impossible to get a proposal profitability when acting thinking that the value of one is not enough, because those doubts exert an undue pressure over acts, and require too many times of analyzing to corroborate the validity of oneself, when all that effort could go directly invested in strengthening the activity.

image: @morguefile

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