viernes, 13 de junio de 2014

We act in droves

We act in droves
We always adopt similar behaviors in similar situations. "In my neighborhood we needed a shoe store. Do you think it is a good deal?" asked me one person in the middle of a talk about entrepreneurship. He described the physiognomy of their neighborhood and we concluded that the business that arose was unsuitable for a public almost entirely of seniors, because we always act in pack and on-demand.

That situation helped me to delve into the idea that to create a movement around an idea for raise an unfailing segment was a large enough population.

Links to other articles
- Alibis dismissal
- Feeding initiative
- Employee to entrepreneur
- Employer to employee 
- The value of the product 
- Teaming
You have to measure the movement and its consequences. Humans tend to adopt similar behaviors when subjected to a certain type of questioning. In fact, in my opinion, this is how mouth-to-mouth works, where information moves within a group and just becomes a trend of consumption.

To illustrate, consider this example: a bank that had lost most of its credits to their customers, articulated a telephone campaign to offer a type of credit extremely easy to take. It was a desperate strategy to regain the lost market. Causally, over 80% of customers that were contacted by a team of telemarketers resorted to a very striking answer to challenge their negative sentence. "I do not need the money," answered as if they had agreed, though each lived in different cities and did not know anything.

Why these responses were generated so similar? Presumably, all clients were under the effect of a type similar disappointment, so answered even with very similar phrases. What does this mean? If the profile of potential customers is subject to a particular characteristic, such as age, purchasing power, even their cultural level, the commercial initiative must come from those values and not the apparently lacks of a certain place.

This is the reason that acquires paramount importance to create products or initiatives that meet the needs of a number of respectable people, because if there is a global push, perhaps it will succeed and become an element of necessity for potential customers. You cannot build a business just observing what is missing, but understanding the demand for this place. If we are to create a product or a business just starting a much localized demand or mere intuition, success probably never come.

Humans are much more predictable in groups than individually. Once, during a major conference on the operation of the investment exchange, the speaker explained how the market is moving according to a certain trend; if it was up, playing down was useless because the likelihood of continuing going up was indisputable. "If the price is higher, you must always bet on the upside," said the specialist. Finally models discussed strategies to identify the time when you had to change plays. "How do you know what it is when we change?" He questioned one of the attendees. "The market is global, with comprehensive moves powered by inertia" Was the reply. "The market never acts according to your ideas, but globally, because people act globally".

Making the decision to launch something it’s not too far from that hypothesis. It is useless to invest time and effort if starting a business initiative it's not calculated in a global demand.

image: @morguefile

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