miércoles, 7 de mayo de 2014

The value of the product

The value of the product
The action of undertaking an activity, without a doubt, is contingent upon the ability to lower the cost, avoid mistakes, analyze deadlocks and meet deadlines. However, none of this is possible if it does not take into account the value of the product to identify the procedures necessary to get that value. The product’s quality always depends on the quality of the shares disposed.

When a proposal, definitively a product, it is very important to respect the initial planning, because the overflow of the initial costs can scuttle any chance of success. For all this, the millimeter planning allows leverage prior knowledge and experience, optimizing the management system.

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The first thing is to choose well the proposal, analyzing all aspects that will interact when they hit the market. Choosing the wrong product is as choosing a bad career choice, once it is within the dynamics of application is impossible to rectify and change. Therefore, it is so important to choose the product and the market in which to act.

The next is defining a well a strategy of approaching to the market, in addition to concreting the resources wisely, where actions correspond to a reasonable economic cost, without exceeding the estimated time. A quick calculation can make it go out to the market too soon, without the product being ready. It may also occur otherwise coming too late to the market, where the product has lost its value.

For all that is essential to economic, ideological and projection application. You can never leave out planning or put it aside thinking that more time is gained by acting directly, because the lack of preparation difficulties solving problems. Lack of strategies to deal with difficulties or to propose alternatives to the product can lead to destruction.

Execution is a staging based on the above, a real workout on the map designed from the experience, knowledge, and opportunity analysis. If it comes to market at the right time, there is nothing to fear, because planning it well offers the possibility of predicting outcomes and warning of potential problems. This contact with consumers or uncertainties should be without hesitation, to convey confidence. 

On the other hand, is monitoring the evolution of the product. To analyze any potential competition arising out of our proposal and assuming an honest flexibility for adapting to changing customer demand. Thus it is always updated with the concerns of consumers covered. Monitoring will help to adjust the elements that add value to the proposal, to identify the procedures that are necessary for value, eliminate those that are not, and coolly assess which are necessary but do not add value to the product structure.
image: @morguefile

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