sábado, 5 de julio de 2014

How much things cost

How much things cost
The economic reality of this partnership gives us plenty of personal privilege, just as it deprived us of untold little things well valued, we conclude that lose out as people. We are talking about education, not the formal process of schools, but act within the individual limits; talk about respect, and above all, the power to measure the value of things. Many times we are not able to know how much things cost.

The value of something is not measured by the economic value or in relation to the purchasing power of the person who buys it, but according to its value-performance. Many times we have been to a showcase and we have seen an article that we liked, but looking at the capacity that we have considered buying overpriced. Such assessment is not based on whether the product is really expensive or not, but in the personal ability to acquire, because if we consider the composition, design quality, etc., surely the item has a price proportional to its value actual market.

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Therefore, we tend to calculate the value of things according to the capacity we have to buy it. We group the elements with which we interact in our personal perception and lose sight of what it takes to get them, and what they are worth in the market.

So how much is knowledge? A method has the same value for all, but not the reality of each person, and how to reach that knowledge or how to use it. In this case we do not consider what it is worth what it costs to get it. Or rather, why we think someone has more value if he has the same knowledge as us? It’s because he has taken better game or because it has performed better than us using the same tools?

How much is the experience? which is the combination of personal effort to dominate the time spent on tasks. Naturally, in this section there are people more or less experienced, but if we set our field analysis in a land where everyone has the same load of experience, why some are considered more valuable than others? Because it has cost more to get there, or just think they are better than anyone? That is, in this case the value is from a personal fantasy. 

What you offer me is worthless, someone told me, when I presented my product. It's worthless! Why? Because the need is greater than it can afford my product? Or their social position, their economic influence? Unfortunately, today we claim the authority to decide whether a person or profession or personal product, worth or not worth anything without measuring the effort to get that product, which may have been huge, we forgive or not at that time. That's the assessment should be done.

Understand the product or the person does not add value to what we seek, it is most reasonable, because that does not mean that it is of enormous value in another sector, time or circumstance. That is, we lack the ability to analyze the facts and elements in the appropriate field.

Seen this way, why the work of some worth more than others? or do some less respected profession other even though they are both in the same sector? If someone has studied longer, has spent more money and effort into getting what is professionally worth more or less in proportion to us, if we develop the same tasks? Surely, if all to develop, in a proportionate manner, that person should take the most critical decisions for their experience and knowledge. 

Back to the beginning, we see that in giving value to things, the person comes in and the ability to interpret social concepts. Unfortunately, this way of seeing the elements prevents us appreciate the little things around us, which at first glance seem to lack value, which is a big mistake.
image: @morguefile

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