miércoles, 30 de abril de 2014

Being in the hands of others

Being in the hands of others
Currently, the disaffection for the job considerably increases when the efficiency in performing the tasks required just the opposite, an assimilation process as part of the employee's conduct. Unfortunately, the workplace, in many companies, acquires status trench where each worker must continually defend positions. The radical change in the labor market and the conditions of employment has changed priorities, winning the war to stay on the job to professional commitment. Being in the hands of others is an added pressure, and many lack the capacity to survive, which leads them to give up their jobs, while others struggle, but not enough, or specialize in converting that land exclusively in a field Battle at the expense of solidarity or teamwork.

The determining factor is usually the inability to make decisions in the performance of tasks. The hierarchical ladder from the bottom rung to the top, is based on subordination, where there is always a person who decides on another, and whose decisions do not always follow an exclusively corporate strategy, but professional staff, training, capacity, interest, etc. Therefore, the larger the company becomes more complicated to be handled freely.

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Being in a job, nested in these sites is as a person that his life depends on someone who is pointing a gun. Not worth the prayers, innocence, experience, can do nothing; if the other person decides to shoot, all proposals resources or lose value. You can even go further and say that sickly conducive to nesting in the production structure of a company, from top to bottom, a culture of mutual prejudice arises. That's how many times we find that if the person who decides on the future of another is upset, plans his displeasure down and blows his frustration at the feeder.

In this scenario fit at least three possible behaviors to cope with such hazardous environments:

  1. Ask the impossible to not get to that situation, which means establishing a rule of action where the boundary of personal capacity is exceeded. This extreme increases the possibility of failure at any time, by making commitments or behaviors that are not professional scope of work.

  1. Collapse and lose all initiative is most common to be in a hostile environment. The psychological makeup of the person does not respond or is not sufficient to withstand the pressure. And in this case found almost always two determining factors: the need to keep working to survive and inability to handle the pressure, leading to the total destruction of self-esteem of the person, disables the ability to react. The result is disastrous, because the person planting the false idea that is worth to perform the tasks.

  1.     Skip the environment and perform naturally should be the correct procedure, since it is the way to prove to yourself, and others, that this situation has not generated naturally, and that the person concerned has had nothing to do with her, which exempts him accountable for the consequences. It is a way to earn the privilege of freedom that allows untethered develops tasks.

Would be a factor, no less important, as is the power to exercise equitably the responsibility for deciding on others.

image: @morguefile

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