miércoles, 23 de abril de 2014

Decalogue to innovate

Decalogue to innovate
"I really liked what you wrote, but could you be more specific?". Someone asked me a few days ago. As items appear on entrepreneurship and innovation, they grow almost proportionally to the demands of precision in establishing a map of a fairly serious action to innovate. Here I propose a small Decalogue to innovate. Not be sufficient or intends to become a bible for success.

The innovator must make his own rules. A different question is to follow the legal process or comply with the tax burdens of this proposal, which will be subject to the requirements of the authorities who control it.

Therefore, my first recommendation is: 

Links to other articles
- Finding a way
The ability to manage success
How much a dream costs?
Friends or business 
The value of gratitude today
- Keys to success

Create your own path. We have already discussed countless times here how pernicious is to follow the paths others have followed, because each proposal has its own DNA and it is impossible to repeat or copy procedures or strategies when proposing an idea to the final consumer. Otherwise there would be innovation. 

Be happy with what you do. This is vital, because the greatness of your proposal will be proportional to the happiness derived from its implementation. And if the entrepreneur is happy with what he is succeeding with its action, the environment is eventually consumed, so is simply carried by the positive momentum for the perceived optimism. 

Do not worry about anything. At an informal meeting on children's high abilities, one of those present raised his hand and said: "I just hope my kids do not they realize how badly we're having, because if they do, they’ll end up as bitter as me." Sometimes it's unavoidable, but where possible we must avoid adverse embittered by applying the results of the action. 

Be opportunistic. Not in the sense of taking advantage of others, but of time. Ability to foresee what will happen in the area where it will act is the best strategy, because lets to raise a proposal in advance. So when some raised their strategies to meet the demands, and take yours there long enough to earn their own groups, thereby preferences better manage time environment. 

Cultivate honesty. This word is not strictly related to money; It is much more important that the self-generated one, formulating procedures that do not promise or demand more than represent their nature. A proposal created from personal honesty is far more credible and easier to accept. 

Being at peace with yourself. Comes to this position having surpassed all previous points. The feeling of having reached the target with nothing to regret or outstanding debts to anyone, in personal terms, is extraordinary. Of course I will never agree with those whose proposals triumph having crushed the ones of others or having imposed its rules without considering the other. 

Not overly excited. When things go well, an evil force pushes forward ideas without specifying. The euphoria of getting a goal often leads to comment as yet undefined ideas, facts, generating expectations that end up ruining everything achieved.

I understand that from this point no one can become rich and get extraordinary success, but personal aspects that are associated with a proposed innovation should never be neglected. It is this personal factor which will be fitted authenticity and give body to interact with the environment that consumes it.

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